Sunday, November 13, 2011

the sunday times

mylo xyloto omg i kinda want to have to get that album very very much. happy birthday nelly furtado! this sunday was cool as heck. with the miniature bowls of joojoo japanese rice and hopping over to sogurt to laugh on the red couch.

i don't know, i kind of miss long texts. nowadays, things are falling short sometimes, including text words or maybe i just care too much for the randomest things. like how i'm afraid my brain would overtire from thinking too much, just basically a whole billow of thought bubbles crashing crashing crashing, overworking.
if only i could read minds; or at least understand a sliver about the mind's complexities. i really do wish i can stop thinking so much.
yeah ok seriously in all honesty i wish i could understand some people (who idr understand atm. self-conflicting and exasperating)

so now i can't really get a hold of life........ i'm living meaninglessly? i guess. i don't pray as much; and i feel so lethargic i fall mega short on things to say at home. not like there's any negative vibes around here. uncertainty. gotta save up for clothes soon. how do we make a change in the world? looking forward to pattaya because hopefully it can give me some enlightenment in perspective.

so i studied with breadfish today, and we did everything and anything but. BUT, it was still mega-ultra-super-astoundingly productive. i realise i was born to be a full-fledged listener. it's nice to hear people talk sometimes. when i was young, i actually thought i'd lose it as age grew together with me, but nope, it's still holding strong! so glad. and kinda worried all the same. gah, i am but idk how to face it b. SIGHOKAYOKAY, keep moving forward.

it's never to late to turn it back around.
the only way is up, up, up.

can there really be a fair world? ok brain stop thinking stop thinking, grr.

herein lies the leftover pictures from sushi day. forty plates of sushi and lots of laughs. :) :) :) post-op day turned out awsmmm.

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