Thursday, April 10, 2014

a lil' spoon of cough syrup now

environment: sitting in a little cubicle in the library, downloading a few blogilates videos so that i can do them and home (and not use up too much of the wifi bc it's really slow) (never never take fast wifi for granted!!!!) (learnt how to convert youtube to mp4 - this is such a useful contemporary life skill rly)

ate: zucchini pasta, roasted sweet potato thins and cucumbers (along with a lot of granola and nuts this morning + baked carrot cake oatmeal again for breakfast today, and a pear with nut butter because them pears are in season and it's cheap ~2$/kg~ and extremely ripe
think i'm spending a lot of time on meals but !!!!!!!!!!!!! it's special times of the day really
just need to cut down on procrastination

eg the first 1000 word essay of my life

ok off to a screening that determines my future as a speechie heh heh (apparently lots of memory and speech work!!)