Monday, September 26, 2011

Gravity like a lunar landing

can't keep away because i'm weak like that.

things i wish to do:

  1. be more grateful to my friends who have kept me sane and. just, sane.
  2. no jealousy. thing is, i don't even technically know you yet everything you do affects me. is this weird???? why am i acting in such weird ways? it's like everything you do is a shotgun to my heart. yeah. i must have been knocked out of my senses somehow.

actually the above point makes me confused is all.
other than that, one more 24 hours separates me from the first day of promos. hows far we've ventured into  2011 already. and i still can remember orientation and further back.

studied at church yesterday with b, j at sea avenue and it was really good because it was a quiet air-conditioned place and it feels like home because church feels homey- somehow. hopefully we survive promos together. only want the best for them :( and first time eating at that wanton mee stall even though i've passed it countless times in my life. like, literally countless times and i think it's been there since the 1980s or something. thanks furt thanks eliz thanks andrew.

p o s t  p r o m o s .

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