Friday, December 26, 2014

boxing day chillin'

when you were talking about your sweetest memories being in cedar and the important people in your life having come from there made me think of the ~great~ memories the school years gave to me. i think i was far too silly and self-absorbed in my "troubles" to even see the blessings that were around me!!! but now i do!! it feels bitterly nostalgic that today felt like one of those days when we were 16 and talking about our perspective about life to each other as we try to figure things out by ourselves. the only difference was that today's musings was very much more grown up and forward looking. but youre still the same old xy and that is comforting :"( lolol funny thing coz i feel so happy for you, sometimes i feel like crying. i gotta talk myself through my emotions......
other times i just want to set a fire to the memories of my past selves because why did i ever think my problems were bigger than what i could solve???? hahahahahahahaha

in uni, it seems like everyone you meet has their own self-kept priorities. you meet them for a few hours each day, talk academics then continue to living your own life. in sec sch/ jc, friends were your life!!! you would purposely spend ridic long hours in school because friends were just so important. in uni, it seems difficult to let people in to your life, and vice versa.
we were both enlightened by this and finally understood how uni seems a lot more foreign and detached. it makes a lot of sense, though!

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