1. a great stepping stone to looking for the good things in life is realizing placing your self-worth in instagram likes is total junk!!!! you'll never be satisfied in that way.
2. on the mrt talking to jodi. glad she could share some nice insights into her buddhism practice. that was nice to hear. and i was pleasantly surprised at her being pleasantly surprised when i asked her to talk about her practice, because it was something she was passionate about, yet all this while i just kind of over-looked it as 'oh she's going to her soka practice again'. little did i realize how much love, effort and resources she puts in her commitment to the community simply because she is proud of being a buddhist. i always was afraid of just judgement from strangers- it's a horrible unfounded fear i had since it was cultivated years ago. it was rare for me, yesterday, to be so engrossed in the conversation that i didn't feel at all intimidated by my environment nor the brief heuristic judgement other people have towards me. it's really just a terrible thing and i'm glad that through realizing myself, this fear need not be aggravated anymore. i don't need to have the fear of something i cannot control.
3. spent most of last night in the kitchen, smelling of granola, my hands sticky with the goodness of raw vegan delights. this christmas is the first i think, that i've put much thought into. it's my first christmas as a (proud) vegan. last year i made this cashew cream cake with my sister. although i wouldn't have called myself a vegan then. i was quite afraid of judgement so i suppressed the thoughts of radically changing my diet and being all controversial and shit. but i think 2014 has made me a lot more comfortable with my decisions. i've been thinking a lot about influencing every one around me so if i do a good job at being a vegan, maybe some good vibes would rub off on them too. i have three months to do this!!! something to do to keep me occupied with, thank heavens #^-^#
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