Tuesday, October 8, 2013

time 11.35 pm

i think the two minute anti-procrastination trick is holding up for me pretty well. and
ever since I've started thinking happier, things just fall into place much easier, I mean:
  • if you look at it the positive way, i've been able to eat something sinful and not beat myself up about it vis a vis feeling like crap and stressing out over it and hence leading to more bingeing tendencies.
  • i think the way we eat really reflects how we are as a person. the more you love yourself, the more you want to fuel yourself w/ the good stuff, the more the bad stuff appeals less and less for you- been seeing this all over fitblrs and I've finally seen the light too!!! (though this i've got to work on)
  • but giving myself some slack has done good things for me. in fact, i dare say I've been eating better and it's definitely looking to be a good way of life for the future.
  • while i was on my run, thinking about the future (ie when should i bathe when i return/ should i have more food to eat/ what can i blog about) makes me stressed up and slowed down my pace while focusing on my breathing and the goal definitely made the time pass faster. the distance also seemed shorter!! rly hoping for the 15km run by 15th oct goal to be a reality.
  • i don't rly dig the underground tunnel to the beach bc it has a dreary haunted vibe to it and I feel claustrophobic in there but --- the beach!!!!!! fresh air, the wind, the clearly demarcated paths for cyclists and joggers..... definitely worth it guys. 
  • p.s i was also afraid of kidnappers hiding out behind the secluded trees / somali pirates who arrive here by boat n do stuff but --- the beach.
  • also cannot be more grateful to blogilates. a few months back I sucked and was in a srsly pathetic state my knees were wobbly during those thigh lifts, I paused the videos to roll around and cry a bit at this hard-core intensity, when she eight more I did four...... and now it's an accomplish I must recognize bc it's finally here, determination delivered to my doorstep. finding comfort in the discomfort. the focusing on the breathing and posture.
this post is a lot more than the two-minute rule,
but if I ever falter when i'm away, i think this is the post i want to rmb so that i can get back on my feet and still feel ok w it.

it's a happy journey!!!!
i should never be too hard on myself- let minor slips happen bc life is too short to go into another bingeing episode
celebrate and cherish achievements bc no one else can do it for you
do things one at a time. think about things one at a time.

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