Friday, March 25, 2011

Delta Cheerleading 2011

I think we're the most special group of people with an even more special group of seniors with big and bottomless hearts who did everything they could to make it work for us. I'm so proud of Delta Cheer, omg. Although today ain't as emotional as it should be, and everything seemed so wrong and frightening at first, it turned out okay, and I'm so very extremely grateful for the encouragements from the HC people, and how Friday is so uniquely Delta, even if the whole world is singing to it.
Friday, spiked hair and peeling face paint left over from O Nite. :-)

Kai Xin, Louis, Jeanette, Patricia, Yannis, Jordan, and the amazing Sherina and Zhi Min and and and
{Eliz, Hui Hui, YuMeng, YY, Nicole, Abi, Esther, LL, Ryan, LY, Michael, Tristan, Nic How, Jon Fong, TY}
What is life without cheer?

♥ ♥ ♥ 

We did it, we did it, good, clean, expression-filled in full Delta glory and pride. It's so very amazing.
I love being tanned and sizzling brown together with the team, I appreciate the bruises on my arms and the blisters on my feet- a testament to the large efforts that we all put in for March 25, 2011. I love it that being crazy is normal. I love it, how I looked forward to cheer every day during March hols; spending hours perfecting stunts and blocking. Today made everything seem so worthwhile.
I love Dee and the Cedarians and the CG and other friends of Dee's and to the boobies. I couldn't have gotten through today without you all.
Today we represented Delta, overall champions and it feels so good and warm and fuzzy like the crazy heat that makes red lobsters out of us. I couldn't be more proud to be in Delta. Delta Delta Delta. We flow with sugar, spice and everything nice and everything great and lovely and - hehe.

We're standing in a light that won't fade,
Tomorrow's coming but this won't change,
Cause some days stay gold forever.
The memory of being here with you,
Is one I'm gonna take my life through,
Cause some days stay gold forever.

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